Tuesday, January 09, 2007

January 2007

Since we've been back, Helen has been working hard at her job. They started back with students on January 3rd. I've been trying to stay busy, but I'm really having a hard time motivating myself. I've read one of the books for next semester, and I'm almost done with another one. But looking at my reading list, it sure would be nice to finish a few more before school starts.

I've also really tried to keep up with Hebrew. I ignored it for the month of December, and I've been reviewing for the last few days. It's amazing what you can forget in only a month. That tells me that I will quickly forget many of the things I learned in seminary unless I continue to use them.

I've started my job tutoring. I catch the bus in the afternoon. Sometimes it's late and sometimes it's on time. But I can't complain, at least I don't have to walk. I'll begin leading worship at Grace Community on an interim basis January 21.

Helen and I have been preparing for Hays Hills' Disciple Now. We leave Thursday night and we'll be back in Louisville Sunday afternoon... just in time for MLK Day. Helen doesn't have to work, but I still have to tutor. (If you don't work, you don't get paid. So I'm not complaining)

My January Term starts the 16 and last through the 19. It's a course over the Psalms. It should be interesting. In the Spring, classes start the 28 or 29. I'm taking Doctrine of the Person of Christ, Systematic Theology III, Hebrew Syntax and Exegesis, and Contemporary Worship in a Contemporary Culture.

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