Saturday, January 20, 2007

J-term over

This last week flew by. I took 3 hour course that lasted four days. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, Dr. Fuller was sick, and so the class didn't last as long and probably wasn't as challenging as it should have been. On one hand, the class was supposed to last from 8am to 5pm, with few breaks and an hour lunch. But since he was really sick, we went from about 9-4, with a two hour lunch and long breaks. On the other hand, I don't know that I got the full benefit of the class that I would have had he been well. It all worked out though.

As it turned out, I got was sick on Wednesday and Thursday, so I had to tough it out too. So it worked out that class was short, since I don't think I would have made it if it had been much longer.

I took the final and got a B+ on it. Which was good because I didn't study all that much for it. Sick people don't feel like studying. We'll see how my final grade turns out.

I'm looking forward to next semester. I have the rest of the week to get ready, maybe read another book and study Hebrew. This is my first Sunday to lead worship at Grace Community Baptist Church, so I'll be sure to post again letting everyone know how that went.

Anyway, Helen and I are going to eat grilled cheeses and watch Vegas Vacation and Little Miss Sunshine. Until next time...

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