Sunday, July 30, 2006


Well, we are finally settled in to our new apartment and have been enjoying the city. God has already blessed us with friends and jobs! We have been playing games (Phase 10, Dominoes, Settlers of Catan, Basketball at the Rec Center on Southern's campus) with the Bethancourts and have really enjoyed their company.

As far as jobs go, Brett is now the Youth Worship Leader and Ministry Intern at First Baptist Church Mt. Washington and I am a first grade teacher at Little Flock Christian Academy. God is so good! Also, the Howertons (Josh Howerton is the Youth Minister at FBC) have become good friends of ours. They introduced us to the wonderful game of Marbles.

Brett is already getting started on his reading for classes, we'll be hitting things full force in a couple of weeks! Until then we are really enjoying getting to hang out and relax!

Praises: God's provision!
Prayers: for God to provide a way for the Magnusons to come visit us!

All of our stuff inside this one truck! How humbling!

We're waiting for the fireworks on the Ohio River... it doesn't get dark until 10!


Brett and Helen are testing this blog out.