Friday, September 29, 2006

It's fall break time!

I've been on fall "break" for about 5 hours so far. Here are the things I have to accomplish before the "break" is over.

#1. Rest. If I can find time to do it, I'm going to take advantage.

#2. I have to start and finish a paper for Systematic Theology. I think I'm going to write it on the different views on the problem of evil. I spent an hour in the library today looking for books, and I've found some great stuff. Obviously, Augustine, Jonathan Edwards, John Frame, and Wayne Grudem will take one side of the debate. I found some Christian Science literature that will take another side, basically arguing that evil is an illusion and does not really exist (okey dokey?), and then Buddhism/hinduism/brahamanism (?) will be another side. I found a Harvard translation of Buddhist literature, and they basically argue that evil is a result of karma (deeds). So if evil happens to you, it's because of something you've done. God has very little to do with it. So I'll be working on that all week.

#3 I need to read at least half of Spurgeon's Lectures to My Students. It's a great book filled with great advice for ministers. It's just a lot of difficult reading. If I'm productive I'll get about half of it read.

#4 I won't forget my Hebrew. I don't have any assignments over the break, which is probably more harmful than anything. My best intentions are to continue to drill and review over the "break" but we'll see how that goes. If I don't do anything, it's going to be ugly when we have to go back.

#5 Celebrate the Fightin' Texas Aggie butt kicking we put on tceh (see a few posts down). Yes, finally, I have included my token friday college football plug. The game is on regional coverage by ABC. Which means if you're in non-Big XII states (like me) you'll have to find someone with ESPN gameplan to catch the game. I'll either be at the Kentucky A&M Club gathering, Buffalo Wild Wings on Shelbyville Rd, or sitting in front of my computer watching it on Gameplan for $22. If our defense shows up, we'll win by two touchdowns. If we play normally, who knows what will happen...

It's the biggest game for the A&M program since the Cotton Bowl in 2004... we all know how that turned out! yikes!



Anonymous said...

Yipes. Didn't beat Tceh after all.

Anonymous said...

back to the drawing board.
by the way when does Helen get to post something? I'm beginnging to wonder if she is still there!!!

the McDonalds said...

i'll have to make helen post soon.

Anonymous said...

This blog isn't updated nearly enough.