Sunday, February 25, 2007

Transformers... more than meets eye

Helen and I didn't sleep well last night. It started out as a regular Saturday night. Helen and I were both working on school work while watching a movie on TV. We watched Back to the Future II which was followed by Back to the Future III. Around 8:45, we heard an explosion and the power went out. A transformer must have blown somewhere. So what do you do when there's no electricity? I thought we should just go to bed, but Helen wasn't tired. So we decided we would watch a movie on our laptop. The problem was that the battery wasn't fully charged and we weren't sure if we would be able to watch the whole thing. We started Coach Carter and put the laptop screen on super dim to conserve battery.

Much to our delight, at 9:45, the power came back on. We both got ready for bed and decided we would watch the rest of the movie. At 10:45, there was another explosion and the power went out again. Frustrated, we kept watching the movie until the battery ran out.

We couldn't sleep, it was too quiet. About 1 am, the power came back on. We turned on the fan for some noise, and I finally started to sleep well. But, guess what happened at 2:45. Another explosion and another power outage.

We opened the window, fell asleep at some point, and woke up this morning with the power back on. What a crazy night!

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