Saturday, February 03, 2007


Helen had two Snow days this week, Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, I still had class, but we spent the rest of the day playing in the snow. On Friday, we decided we would go sledding with the Bethancourts at Reservoir Park. We used the lid to a big plastic tub as a sled and we had a blast! Here are some pictures from our adventures.

Look how graceful the Bethancourts doubled up on their sled!

And look how graceful Helen and I did it. Notice that there is no sled in sight. It slid out from under us and stayed at the top of the hill. Amateurs!

Our second try was a little better.

Phillip decided he would go without a sled. But he lived in Connecticut for awhile, so he knows what he's doing. Yankee.

That's me sledding. The marks on the outside are places that we sledded before.

It was so steep and slippery that we had to use the railing to walk up. It was quite a work out.

This is right outside our apartment in the courtyard.

My first snow angel. I made this on Thursday.

Not bad, eh?

On the steps leading up to our apartment.

The Southern campus.

Our truck was covered in snow on Thursday. It was worse on Friday, but we didn't get a picture.

This is Southern's campus also.

For more coverage of the sled-fest, please see the Bethancourt's blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like ya'll had fun!!! Our snow wasn't that deep and didnt last that long. But we did get to stay home 2 days.