I've resolved not to talk about the debacle that occurred in San Antonio last weekend. I promise I won't draw the parallel between an unnamed coach not going for two last year against Clemson and subsequently losing by one point on a last second field goal, and this year going for it on fourth and inches on your own 30 with two minutes to go with a four point lead and practically asking to lose the game...... (how many prepositions can you fit in one sentence?)
I've resolved not to talk about how if we do lose to LA Tech this weekend, I may be forced to actually follow the NFL this year. And I surely won't talk about what texas tceh (i know it seems as if i spelled tceh wrong, but turns out, i was spelling it wrong my whole life... check out the classic non-photoshopped pic at the end of this post) might do to us next weekend because our linebackers are soft and our defensive backs play scared.
Please people, there are more things going on in this world than college football. For example, my mom and wife and grandparets and health teacher and everyone has always told me that spinach is good for you. They tried to explain (unconvincingly) "Come on! It's not going to kill you!" Well, as it turns out, I was right all along.
Helen and I are ready for a break. Luckily, in Kentucky, they have these things called "fall breaks." What an invention! I remember at A&M we got out of school for MLK, Thanksgiving, that "non-religious" friday right before that "non-religious" Sunday in the Spring somehow affiliated with pastels and a giant rabbit, and also Spring Break. Rain or shine, electricity or no electricity, we even went the afternoon of September 11, 2001. But we do get a fall break here, and we're excited. Unfortunately, our fall breaks are not the same week in October, which means I'll be researching and writing a position paper during mine... Helen's will be more eventful because the Magnusons will be coming to visit and we are so excited about that too!
Sooner or later, I will comment on some things of some worth, but until then, please enjoy the aforementioned ITT tceh picture.
Until next time.... keep on keepin on.

Hey dork ... what's up?
This is a little late, because obviously A&M beat the tar out of La Tech (at least after that 7-yard 1st quarter), but ...
I actually might be the only person on earth who would have done the same thing Fran did in that Army game. Right before that play I said, "If Fran had any guts, he'd go for it here, and just let Lane plow over everybody. They aren't stopping him for less than a yard."
Turns out, this is why I'm not a foosball coach.
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